Introducing Me: Cailyx

Hello, my name is Cailyx and I’m the Fundraising Director at Hearts to Heroes! My role is to bring in money so we can gather resources like PPE and care package items and get them where they’re needed. For a high schooler with no financial expertise, it’s kind of a spontaneous task, a really fun one. I often find myself in new territory such as researching opportunities and contacting people that are completely new to me. 

I enjoy playing the piano, dancing, making food and smoothies for others, learning new things, and spending time outside. I’m mostly quiet and introverted, so it’s easy for me to feel like my voice can never be heard, and you can only imagine the number of terribly awkward phone calls I make as Fundraising Director. But being a part of Hearts to Heroes has helped show me that being quiet doesn’t separate me from the rest of my community, and really nothing does. The fun times we share at board meetings and our steady progression of work is so heartening, just as are the countless people who have supported our team and goals. I think it’s really cool that there are people who support Hearts to Heroes specifically, but it’s more inspiring that people are together in just wanting to make a positive impact as we do. In my time here, the support and action by members of our community has merely surfaced, not originated, with Hearts to Heroes’ organization of volunteering efforts. So I know I have a role to play in serving on our board, but I couldn’t not attribute our progress truly to the kind people, many of whose names I’ll never know, around us.


Introducing Me: Swathi


Introducing Me: Delaney