Introducing Me: Lana

Hey! I’m Lana Ramadan, the Marketing Director at Hearts to Heroes. I essentially make most of the graphics you guys see on our social media, in addition to some other creative media behind the scenes. I honestly adore my role, sitting down and making our graphics has become such a therapeutic way to wind down and be creative. Not to mention how rewarding it is to see and highlight the impact that we as a team (including our volunteers!) have made on our community in just this past year!

A little more about me, according to the Myers-Briggs test, I’m an INFJ. Only of as of recently, however, since I’ve also gotten INFP and INTP in this past year alone, just in case that tells you anything about me. I’m also definitely Type A with my minute-by-minute Google Calender and Notion that’s planned out way too far into advance. Other than that though, I like to think I’m pretty passionate, especially towards giving back to countless essential heroes who have given their all, even prior to the pandemic. Without a doubt, Hearts to Heroes has let me just do that and as result, I have undoubtedly become a better version of myself.

I’ve always viewed that “actions speak louder than words,” as cliche as it sounds. No matter how small, putting your views into action will always make a difference. Whether it be something as insignificant as trying a bit harder on math tests or something more meaningful such as showing your loved ones how much you really do love them, acting on your heartfelt feelings might just make the world a better place – to some extent at least. So, whenever you can, don’t forget to wholeheartedly thank your acquaintances, friends, family, and, of course, your heroes. 


Reflecting on Irvine Talks and the Power of Storytelling


Introducing Me: Swathi