What’s Volunteering at Hearts to Heroes Like?

Hearts to Heroes recently had its one-year anniversary! As a way to commemorate this past year’s accomplishments, we asked two of our most beloved volunteers, Eugenie Chang and Melika Zarei, to share a few words about their experience volunteering with Hearts to Heroes. Their responses were truly special and brought so much warmth to our hearts :)

Eugenie’s experience:

What was your favorite Hearts to Heroes volunteer project?

“I have so many, but my favorite Hearts to Heroes project would have to be making blankets and origami hearts during the Spread the Love event because they went towards supporting such important causes and the process of making them was also extremely relaxing and enjoyable. The special Spotify playlist created by Hearts to Heroes for volunteers to listen to while making the items added a special touch!”

Why do you volunteer with Hearts to Heroes?

“I volunteer with Hearts to Heroes because I really admire their mission, and I always feel like the process is so rewarding. I love how all their volunteer projects are centered around giving back to our community heroes who have done so much for us especially during the pandemic, and everyone in the organization is always so genuine and helpful! It is such an amazing experience to see your work go towards supporting other people.”

Why do you support essential workers? Has Hearts to Heroes helped?

“I support essential workers because each and every one of them give so much to their jobs and to our community, and especially during the pandemic they have sacrificed so much. Our world could not be running the way it is right now without their hard work, and it is so important for us to recognize their efforts. Hearts to Heroes has been the perfect way for me to volunteer with an organization that directly gives back to our community heroes!”

Melika’s experience:

What’s your favorite place we’ve donated to?

“My favorite place that Hearts to Heroes has donated has got to be Early Childhood Learning Center. My younger sister used to attend there in pre-K and I always remember how sweet the staff there was.”

Why did you start volunteering with Hearts to Heroes?

“At first, volunteering for H2H was something in early quarantine that I knew I could do to help out the community while still keeping myself safe. And I’m glad I’ve stuck with this organization this long. I’ve been volunteer of the month, I’ve been to speaker events, drop-offs, pick-ups, and more, and each time I contribute to the cause I feel like I’m making a real difference in the lives of those around me.”

To all of our volunteers, thank you for connecting with us. We appreciate you more than you know, and our community depends on you to keep running! You are essential.


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