Introducing Me: Armita

Hey! My name is Armita Mirkarimi and I am the Communications Director at Hearts to Heroes. In a nutshell, I’m the delivery person for Hearts to Heroes. Just kidding :) I am basically in charge of reaching out to the essential worker group we donate to, coordinate, and deliver all donations. My favorite part about what I do at Hearts to Heroes is the people. As I meet new people with each round, my faith in humanity is restored. It’s easy to get lost in the weeds of pessimism but these deliveries are shiny gems of peace. 

Here’s a little bit more about me: I am an enneagram 3 and a ENFJ personality type so I’m a little high strong (haha!). Ratatouille is my favorite movie of all time but Cars is a close second. I am a sucker for cheesy inspirational quotes. They’re so cliche but quotes like, “nevertheless, she persisted” are really empowering to me. 

On a more serious note, I want to see the world with glittering eyes. I never want to exude toxic positivity but I think that there is something so special about loving the world in spite of its tainted glory. When people would ask me what I wanted to say when I grow up, my answer would always be, “target cashier” but I would always follow up with, “I want to leave the world better than I found it.” And frankly, you can do that while being a target cashier. 

My one and only true love, though, is storytelling. There is something so intoxicating about giving ideas and two-dimensional concepts a voice --- a pulse. I could sit by the TV all day and just absorb movies, one acts, and interviews with creatives. At our core, human beings are innate storytellers; that’s all we do. The mind stays up all night constructing cathedrals of characters and plot lines. 

I cherish every minute I spend at Hearts to Heroes and it has been so incredibly rewarding to see a community of my peers come together to elicit change. It’s Hearts to Heroes that keeps the glitter in my eyes shining. Roald Dahl said it best when he stated, “And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.” I hope you find your glitter.


Introducing Me: Mahmoud


Introducing Me: Haley